Ascent Technical Services offer business IT Consulting in the southeast Wyoming region. Not only are ATS technicians the most innovative, they specialize in creating a customized solution to fit each business need. Ascent Technical Services has professional partnerships with leading companies in the industry and their techs are highly-skilled. Contact us to learn how ATS can meet your unique business need.

- Small business IT Solutions
- Managed Services Provider
- Networking for Wyoming Guest Ranches and Remote Property
- Professional Consulting
- Wireless Solutions
- HIPAA / PCI Compliance
- Network Security
- High-end Audio / Video Installation
- Surveillance
- Long Range Wireless
- Enterprise Wireless
- VoIP
- ATM Machine Sales
- ATM Machine Installation and Operation
Ascent Technical Services LLC | (307) 222-9287 or (307) 222-9ATS | Serving Wyoming, Nebraska, and Colorado